Getting started


PyJibe can be installed via multiple channels:

  1. Windows installer: Download the latest version for your architecture (e.g. PyJibe_X.Y.Z_win_64bit_setup.exe for 64bit Windows) from the official release page.

  2. macOS: Download the latest version (PyJibeApp_X.Y.Z.dmg) from the official release page.

  3. Python 3.6 with pip: PyJibe can easily be installed with pip:

    pip install pyjibe

    To start PyJibe, simply run python -m pyjibe or just pyjibe in a command shell.


If you install a newer (or older) version of PyJibe, the previously installed version will be automatically uninstalled.

If you installed pyjibe with pip, you may upgrade it with:

pip install --upgrade pyjibe

How to cite

If you use PyJibe in a scientific publication, please consider citing Müller et al., BMC Bioinformatics (2019) [Mueller19nanite].